Ask the Resourceress #4: Why do I add items to my to do list AFTER I’ve done them?

Dear Resourceress, Am I the only weirdo who has to add items to my to do list, even when I’ve already completed them? Am I just obsessed with capitalist productivity? Why do I do this?  Signed, Constantly Proving My Productivity … Continued

Ask the Resourceress #3: Learning from Mistakes, and Letting Them Go

  Dear Resourceress, One of the hardest things about being a new leader is facing all the mistakes I make. Especially those mistakes where I’ve hurt someone else, and I know I could have done a better job if I … Continued

Ask the Resourceress #1: I feel like an imposter amidst all this bureaucracy. Should I even be doing this?

Dear Resourceress, I’m a sex educator in a rural town, and the local foster care agency reached out to me to do “relationship education” with the foster kids they support. Of course, I emailed them right away to tell them … Continued